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Research Grant

1 : Fund Received : INR 2,00,000/-
Title: “A smart Assistance to Mango Cultivator: Intelligent Stick to predict mango ripping stages for plucking”
Year: 2022-2023.  
Grant Agency: Seed Funding under Jidnyasa Fellowship

Revenue Generated

1 : Revenue Generated : INR 12,000/- through workshop
Title: “2 day's workshop on “Data science with python”
Year: 2022-2023  
Attendee: Outside Participants

Consultancy / Internship Completed

1: Completed 6 months Internship as Data Science Intern at Bharat       Soft Solutions, Pune. 
Year: 2022-2023

2: Currently Handling project under 
consultancy from period June 2023 to July 2023
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